photo of Matt Atkinson


Matt Atkinson, LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker and therapist who works with trauma survivors. He’s also author of the book Resurrection After Rape: A Guide to Transforming From Victim to Survivor. He has worked in crisis services as a staff director with the YWCA in prevention of domestic and sexual violence, where he developed and implemented programs with women’s prisons, university sports teams, churches, and Indian tribes.

In 2004, he became the first male given the National Award for Outstanding Advocacy and Community Work in Ending Sexual Violence by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. In 2005 he was awarded “Most Therapeutic” by his professional peers at St. Anthony Hospital.

In 2006 he began to teach college courses on domestic violence and crisis intervention as an adjunct professor at Oklahoma State University. He also regularly presents trainings at workshops and conferences.

In 2009, Matt will begin a series of all-day training workships for therapists, funded through grants and organized by the Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. The methods presented in “Resurrection After Rape” will be the default treatment approach taught to crisis workers/therapists as part of their crisis service certification process. Matt has degrees in Art/Human Physiology, Behavioral Science, and a Master’s in clinical Social Work from Oklahoma University. He is married and has two sons, and is an Ojibway Oshkaabewis (pipe-keeper) and regularly participates in ceremonies.

My earlier interview with Dr. Edward Tick on War and The Soul makes an excellent companion piece to this interview, if you have not already heard it. He also deals with trauma and draws upon native American traditions in his work.

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A psychology podcast by David Van Nuys, Ph.D.