Shrink Rap Radio


I’d like to conduct a weekend dream workshop in your area! A If you can pull together around 10 paying participants (price to be determined), you can attend for free! A Take a look at the copy below to get an idea of what such a workshop would cover. Also, click here to see a brief review by one of the participants from my Stockholm workshop.
Dream Work: A Path with Heart
We spend roughly a third of our lives in sleep. Apparently, doing nothing. Yet, we now know the brain is extremely active during sleep, especially during dreaming. Most of us have five or more dreams per night. Using this metric, over the course of our lives, we will have experienced something in the neighborhood of 136,875 dreams! Yet, most of us are like Rip Van Winkle who woke up with nothing more to show for his 20 years of sleep than his beard. Whether remembered or forgotten our dreams are busy at their mysterious work. However, the process of paying attention to one’s dreams, of taking them seriously, inevitably opens up new vistas of meaning, self-understanding, and relatedness.
This 2-day workshop takes the position that myth, dream, and symbol flow from a single source, the creative unconscious. By bringing the tools of depth psychology to bear upon our dream life, we begin to understand the forces that are moving in our soul. This workshop draws upon the work of such authors as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Fritz Perls, Joseph Campbell, June Singer, Robert Johnson, Jeremy Taylor, and Stephen Leberge, among others. We will examine such phenomena as “big dreams,” nightmares, recurring dreams, lucid dreams, precognitive and other sorts of psychic dreams. We will also explore a variety of tools and techniques for working with one’s own dreams. Participants will bring dreams to work in the group setting.
Didactic presentations will alternate with experiential work in the large group, as well as in pairs and triads.
Possible Topics/Tools:
– Enhancing dream recall
– Recurring dreams
– Common dream themes
– Dream symbols
– Central image, central theme
– Lucid dreaming
– Dream telepathy, precognition, etc.
– Dream incubation
– Dream poetry
– Dream dramas/psychodrama
– Gestalt process
– The Hero’s Journey
– Nightmares
– “If this were my dream…”
– Dream drawing
– Dream embodiment
– Sound in dream work
– Dream journaling
– Tarot
– Jungian amplification
– and more…
About The Facilitator
David Van Nuys, PhD is Professor Emeritus (and Past Chair) of Psychology at Sonoma
State University in Northern California, a unique department with an international reputation in humanistic, transpersonal, and existential psychology. David is also an experienced clinician, having practiced for many years in California and New Hampshire, as well as being a popular workshop facilitator for a number of growth centers in the U.S., including the Esalen Institute. He has also co-facilitated workshops with Dr. Ronald Alexander in Kauai, Mallorca, Switzerland and Italy. David also co-facilitated a Gestalt workshop with Dr. Dwight Webb at the Personal Counseling Institute, near Dublin, Ireland. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Division of Humanistic Psychology of the American Psychological Association, and he is founder and president of e-FocusGroups, a research-consulting firm with a client list that includes a number of Fortune 500 companies, among others. Finally, David is also an author, publishing extensively in the professional, trade, and popular press. You can get a feel for David by listening to his Internet radio show (Shrink Rap Radio), in which he interviews other interesting psychologists, by going to He also has a blog, The Happiness Dispatch, at
Cost: To Be Determined
Place: To Be Determined
Dates/Times: To Be Determined
Language: English
Things to Bring: Your dream journal, if you have one. If you don’t have a dream journal, start writing down any dreams you have between now and the workshop so that you will have material to explore and share. Bring paper and colored pencils or markers which we will use in some of our work. If you would like to sit on the floor, you may be more comfortable if you bring pillow and/or yoga mat.
Coordinator:A To Be Determined
Enrollment: To Be Determined
Payment Information: To Be Determined. Workshop Page on Facebook: We have created a page on Facebook where you can ask questions and check for updates as we get closer to the event: To Be Determined