Shrink Rap Radio


Shrink Rap Radio, Jung Platform,Depth Psychology Alliance, and The Asheville Jung Center are joining forces to bring new educational content in the field of Jungian and depth psychology to interested individuals. Everyone intrigued by Jungian and depth psychology should take note of this strategic combination of expert resources delivering online interviews, videos, teleseminars, podcasts, and multi-platform book-related events featuring leading experts and authors in the
This unique organizational alliance is focused on providing content to increase knowledge, awareness, and reflective discourse for everyone studying and practicing in the fields of Jungian psychology, depth psychology, ecopsychology, and related fields.
Our plan is to cross-promote events and services and to share some of our resources. Click here to view our full media release. Please click on the logos below to visit our partner websites:

with Robert Wagonner and Robert Bosnak
on the new CD: “Rumi and the World of Dream” by Machiel Klerk
 Sept 10 at 5pm PST / 8pm EST
Online and register here
In this premier event, world renowned dream experts Robert Wagonner and Robert Bosnak join Machiel Klerk in a three-way dialogue to discuss Klerk’s new CD, Rumi and the World of Dream.
Online and register here
In this premier event, world renowned dream experts Robert Wagonner and Robert Bosnak join Machiel Klerk in a three-way dialogue to discuss Klerk’s new CD, Rumi and the World of Dream.
In “Rumi and the World of Dream†Klerk describes the three basic characteristics of dreaming that help us relate to dreams in an experiential and relational way. Experiential and relational dreaming is also the basic tenet of Robert Bosnak’s technique Embodied Imagination. Klerk’s CD also weaves together Dream Yoga, Lucid Dreaming and Buddhist principles, showing how dreaming is used as an awareness practice.
The great interpreter of poet Rumi, Coleman Barks has provided an introduction and bonus feature to the CD.
Dennis P. Slattery
A Masterpiece. His thinking is brilliant and provocative!
Coleman Barks
I love the CD!
James Hollis
Clear and illuminating
Pictures of Robert W, Robert B and Machiel K
Robert Wagonner is one of the greatest lucid dreamers in the western world and author of Lucid Dreaming, Gateway to the Inner Self. He is also the past president-elect of the International Association of study of Dreams.
Robert Bosnak, PsyA is a Jungian psychoanalyst who graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich in 1977. He developed a method of working with dreams called Embodied Imagination. Bosnak also wrote several books, among which the worldwide bestseller ‘A Little Course In Dreams’.
Machiel Klerk, LMFT is the author of a unique style of working with dreams called: Dream Dialogue. He is also the founder of the Jung Society of Utah, licensed therapist and a dream worker.
Date: Sept 10
Time : 5pm PST / 8pm EST
location: online
sign up: HERE
Cost : free (incl. the free audio recording of the webinar)
A live recording of this webinar will be available, whether you attend the live event or not.
You can pre-purchase the CD or audio download here at
This will be a fun and explorative journey in the world of dream, rooted in a passage of a Rumi poem.Come and join us here!Â

The Frankenstein Prophecies:
Jungian-Archetypal Reflections on Ecological Crises and the God Wars
Robert Romanyshyn, Ph.D.
Course description: Based on a close reading of Mary Shelley’s novel this webinar series explores multiple ways her story is a re-telling of the mythic tale of Prometheus and the Christian story of creation within the context of science and technology. As such Shelley’s story haunts our time as a prophetic unfolding of the origins of technological power. Using a Jungian-Archetypal approach, this series takes up these prophetic amplifications as a collective symptom that calls us to remember what we have forgotten regarding our place within nature and the cosmos.
Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and an emeritus professor of psychology in the Clinical and Depth Psychotherapy Programs at Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has authored six books, has contributed chapters to numerous edited volumes, and published essays and reviews in many professional journals. In addition to lectures and workshops presented in the U.S., he has taught and lectured in Europe, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and parts of Africa.
Brief Description of the 10 sessions
# 1-August 12: A presentation of seven prophetic themes in Mary Shelley’s original story.
# 2-August 26: Introduction: Technology as Cultural Symptom and Collective Dream
# 3-September 16: Stealing Fire from the Gods: Titanic Hubris
# 4-September 30: Conceived by Man, not Born of Woman
# 5-October 14: Flight from Death
#6-October 28: The Eichmann Complex
#7- November 11: The Last Generation?
#8- November 18:The Orphan
#9- December 2: Fire and Ice
#10-December 16: What are Poets for in a destitute time?
Embodying James Hillman’s Alchemical Psychology
on Salt, Black and Blue
By Robert Bosnak and Patricia Berry
Developed by and Jung Platform.
About the course: James Hillman was a past master of alchemical psychology. This field uses metaphors derived from ancient alchemy to elucidate deep structures in the creative imagination. Creative processes are not random. Imagination embodies along lines that become apparent when we ponder the frequently incomprehensible images of alchemy.
Patricia Berry was among the early founders of Archetypal Psychology beginning in the mid-1960s in Zurich, Switzerland. She was companion and spouse of James Hillman for 20 years.
James Hillman was the primary training analyst of Robert Bosnak, who developed the field of embodied imagination: the way in which images can be felt in the body and shape our embodied condition. By studying alchemical psychology we come to understand ourselves and other humans in surprising ways that frequently diverge sharply from the habitual understandings we have unconsciously absorbed from the cultures in which we were raised. These new awarenesses can engender unexpected vitality and wonder.
This course will follow the teachings of Hillman in his final and most profound book, Alchemical Psychology. This volume covers a lifetime of studies and is quite difficult to read by someone who is not deeply steeped in alchemy, the work of C.G. Jung as well as James Hillman. Berry and Bosnak have both worked with and studied these thinkers for well over 40 years.
In the course of between 30 and 40 sessions we will go through the book, Alchemical Psychology, page by page, and frequently line by line, sometimes dropping even between the lines into the great mystery itself. For those who have tasted these mysteries, there is no way back. One is haunted by them for life. It was so with Jung, Hillman, and with Bosnak and Berry as well. It will happen to you if you are open to it.
Robert Bosnak, PsyA, is a Jungian psychoanalyst who graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich in 1977. Since then he was been in private practice in the United States and Australia. He founded the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary, developed a method of working with dreams called Embodied Imagination. He also wrote several books, among which the worldwide bestseller, A Little Course In Dreams.
Patricia Berry, Ph.D, is the author of Echo’s Subtle Body: A Contribution to Archetypal Psychology. Her dissertation at the University of Dallas was a study of Jung’s work as a psychopoeisis. In 1991 she became the first Scholar in Residence at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Currently she serves as president of The Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts. She is in private practice and does supervision.
Course: This is a two year course, divided in four separate sections of six months. In each six months there are 10 web presentations of 1.5 hour.
Dates: live web broadcast, you will get an audio recording of the event as well.
The course starts January 2015
Jan 8, 22, 29
Feb 12 and 26
March 19
April 2 and 9
May 7 and 14
Time: start time is 6pm PST / 9pm EST
Location: online / webinar
Online discussion forum
10 Sessions: $150
Sign up before December 21st, and get another 10% discount and pay only $135.00
Enroll on or go immediately to :
You can also send a check to Jung Platform, 2010 Evergreen Avenue. Salt Lake City. Utah. 84109
Now you can get a 10% discount on JungPlatform audio and video lectures (e.g. Michael Mead, Robert Waggoner, and many more) via streaming or DVD! Click here to go to the JungPlatform site and use our special discount code: DRDAVE