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 Deep Dive Interviews


#675 Mystical Activism: Transforming a World in Crisis with psychologist John Robinson PhD

John Robinson PhD, D.Min., is a clinical psychologist with a second doctorate in ministry (studying with Matthew Fox), an ordained interfaith minister, the author of nine books and numerous articles on the psychology, spirituality and mysticism of the New Aging, and a...

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Sending You Flaming Arrows of Inspiration

To live is much more difficult than one might expect and sometimes it’s inevitable to get wounded in the middle… it’s not a shame to be wounded but it’s important to do something about these bleeding wounds and I think the first step is not be afraid of them and dare to face them.” – Mahyar Alinaghi

(Long-time listener and psychotherapist, Tehran, Iran)

“Everything I do, feel and think comes from the current state of my spirit within. My spirit is reflected in my choices that define me. My laughter, friendliness and peacefulness are all windows to my soul. I choose to be loving.”

                                                                                                                                (Prof. Dwight Webb 1933-2020)


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