
Shrink Rap Radio All the psychology you need to know and just enough to make you dangerous. Home About Dr. Dave About Dr. Dave Advisory board My podcasting setup In the SRR Style Manual Torrents Promos Promos2 Partners Promo Flyers for SRR SRR Promo Video Workshops...


Thanks to listener Gregory Eccles who suggested we use Bit Torrent to make it easy for mass downloading of shows and to listener Jacob Travis who went ahead and implemented it. However, the information below is not for the technologically shy. We offer no technical...

Best of Shrink Rap Radio

People are always asking me what my favorite interview is. This “Best of Shrink Rap Radio” page is my attempt to answer that question. Of course, the answer depends on the subject matter and the questioner’s area(s) of interest. I’d never be...