
Victor Daniels, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychology and past chair at Sonoma State University. He is co-author of the book, Being and Caring: A Psychology for Living, which is used at many universities. As editor of the online journal, Gestalt!, and teacher of a Gestalt Therapy class (which he and I co-taught years ago), he is an expert on the state of Gestalt Therapy today. The books he recommended during our interview are: In and Out of The Garbabe Pail by F. Perls, Eye Witness to Therapy by F.Perls, Every Person’s Life Is Worth A Novel by E. Polster, The New People Making by V. Satir. Victor’s home page also has a portal into the world ofGestalt Therapy. Since a good deal of Gestalt Therapy deals with dream work, the posafe music selection at the end seems particularly appropriate: “Living The Dream” by Chris Mills.