photo of Jim Haudan


Jim Haudan is CEO of Root Learning and author of the 2008 book, The Art of Engagement: Bridging The Gap Between People and Possibilities. For the past 20 years, he has not only built a thriving business, but has helped numerous individuals unleash their hidden potential. With origins as a coach and school administrator, it’s easy to see what led him to co-found a company dedicated to business learning. His innovative, creative methods draw people into a business by tapping into basic human curiosity and intelligence. By fully engaging people in their work, they become ready, willing and able to deliver on company strategies, producing real results.

Root Learning has made the list of the Best Small and Medium Companies to work for in America for four straight years – obviously, Mr. Haudan is on to something. Jim is also a frequent speaker on a variety of topics and has contributed to several business publications. When not traveling the globe to visit clients, he enjoys relaxing with his family at their lake cottage, playing golf, and going to Jimmy Buffett concerts.

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