

Jaap Hollander, Ph.D. is co-founder of the Institute for Eclectic Psychology, Holland’s oldest and largest NLP institute. He introduced Neuorlinguistic Programming (NLP), provocative coaching and symbolic modelling in Holland. He developed MindMentor, the robot psychologist, together with his colleague Dr. Jeffrey Wijnberg. Hollander and Wijnberg performed a test-run with 1600 clients from all over the world. Results show that MindMentor, which incorporates principles from NLP, was able to reduce average problem severity by 47% in just one session, a score, they point out, that any real life psychologist would be proud of. Dr. Hollander is the author of six books on psychological subjects, ranging from NLP and provocative therapy to modelling trance rituals in Brazil. You will find MindMentor at www.mindmentor.com/

(Psychology podcast by David Van Nuys, Ph.D.)