
Shepherd Bliss earned his Doctor of Ministry from the University of Chicago Divinity School in l971. He is a retired college professor. Dr. Bliss spent a decade at Harvard, in various capacities, including doing Post Doctoral Study on the life cycle approach to adult development. He recently spent two years as a visiting professor in the Communication Department at the University of Hawai’i at Hilo. Dr. Bliss taught psychology for a decade at John F. Kennedy University and has lectured at the California Institute of Integral Studies, California School of Professional Psychology, and elsewhere, including the Center for Intercultural Documentation (CIDOC) in Mexico and the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. Dr. Bliss has contributed, mainly essays, to 19 books in various fields, including psychology, literary criticism, gender studies, translations from Spanish, political science and current events. I know him, mostly, as a very prominent leader in the local men’s movement and as an award-winning farmer. His Kokopelli Farm in Sebastopol, CA, is recognized for its outstanding, organic fruit and chickens, sustainable agriculture and nature education. Shepherd is particularly interested in hearing from listeners about their ideas in relation to Darkness, as discussed here. You can e-mail him at