photo of Dr. Dave


What you have here is another session between Jerry Trumbule and me. For the moment, I’ve decided to back off from calling these episodes Shrink Rap Radio LIVE, since we are no longer doing the in the call-in format. So, rejecting the few renaming suggestions I’ve received, I think I like The Dave and Jerry show.

In this episode, we discuss two articles that appeared in the New York Times. The first is from September 7, 2008 and is titled,” Brave New World of Digital Intimacy” and touches upon themes near and dear to the two of us. This leads us to discuss such topics as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. The second article/topic is from the Septemember 5 New York Times and is titled: “For The Brain, Remembering Is Like Reliving.” It described groundbreaking brain research on memory and touches upon issues I knew would be relevant to Jerry’s research in the past.

Jerry makes mention of his novel-in-progress, LandLordLand, which you can take a look at here.

A psychology podcast by David Van Nuys, Ph.D.