Nina Burrowes


Dr. Nina Burrowes is a psychologist, researcher and author specializing in the psychology of rape and sexual abuse. She started her career working as a researcher for the Prison Service and then moved on to establish herself as an independent research consultant. She has conducted research with sex offenders, their victims, the public, and professionals involved in the area. Her report ‘Challenging rape myths in court: A guide for prosecutors’ is used to train prosecutors and investigators of rape cases throughout the UK. Having spent most of her career so far talking to practitioners, policy makers and fellow academics about sexual abuse, Dr Burrowes has begun a body of work that is aimed at the public. Going by the name of The cartooning psychologist Nina is using illustrated content to help people understand complex and challenging psychology. Her latest book The courage to be me uniquely blends research, storytelling and illustration to send a message of hope to the millions of people who are living with the impact of rape or sexual abuse.

Check out the following Psychology CE Courses based on listening to Shrink Rap Radio interviews:
Jungian Psychotherapy Part 1 (6 CEUs)
Jungian Psychotherapy Part 2 (7 CEUs)
Jungian Psychotherapy Part 3 (7 CEUs)
Jungian Psychotherapy Part 4 (6 CEUs)
Jungian Psychotherapy Part 5 (7 CEUs)
Jungian Psychotherapy Package of the Five Above (33 CEUs)
Wisdom of The Dream (4 CEUs)
Positive Psychology (6 CEUs)
Pros and Cons of Positive Psychology (5 CEUs)
Body-Mind: Goodbye to Dualism (6 CEUs)
Brain: Insights from Neuroscience (8 CEUs)
Meditation & Psychotherapy (8 CEUs)
NEW! Crisis & Trauma: Identification, Assessment, & Treatment (15 CEUs)
Neuroscience and Healing (8 CEUs)
NEW! The Psychology of Relationships (7 CEUs)

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A psychology podcast by David Van Nuys, Ph.D.

copyright 2014: David Van Nuys, Ph.D.