Holli Kenley, M.A. is a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist . She holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling. She has worked in a variety of settings: a women’s shelter, a counseling center and in private practice. Counseling with adolescents, teens, young and older adults, Holli’s areas of training and experience include sexual trauma, abuse, addiction, codependency, domestic violence, betrayal and cyber bullying. Holli is the author of numerous published articles and in 2010, she authored her second book, Breaking Through Betrayal: And Recovering the Peace Within. Recently released are two e-singles: Betrayal-Proof Your Relationship: What Couples Need To Know And Do and cyber bullying no more: Parenting a High Tech Generation.

In addition to her work as a therapist and an author, Holli enjoys speaking at workshops and conferences. In additional to speaking to a variety of audiences, for the past two years, Holli has been a peer presenter at the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists’ Annual Conferences speaking on the topics of betrayal and cyber bullying. At the 2012 Annual Conference, Holli will again address the issue of cyber bullying with an emphasis on protection, intervention, and prevention. Prior to and during her career as a therapist, Holli taught for thirty years in public education.

Check out the following Psychology CE Courses based on listening to Shrink Rap Radio interviews:
Jungian Psychotherapy Part 1 (6 CEUs)
Jungian Psychotherapy Part 2 (7 CEUs)
Jungian Psychotherapy Part 3 (7 CEUs)
Jungian Psychotherapy Part 4 (6 CEUs)
Jungian Psychotherapy Package of the Four Above (26 CEUs)
Wisdom of The Dream (4 CEUs)
Positive Psychology (6 CEUs)

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A psychology podcast by David Van Nuys, Ph.D.

copyright 2012: David Van Nuys, Ph.D.